Experimental interactive design

Free summer course by the Tallinn University and Estonia 100 joint with the New Media Lab of the New Stage of Alexandrinsky Theatre and CLD ITMO University

Conference Proceedings of the International Conference "Lighting design − 2017" is now published

Natalia Bystryantseva, Mark Fontoynon, Roger Narboni, and Alexei Bakholdin are recognised international researches that represent the editorial board of the abstract collection

Lecture by David Avnir "On Left and Right: Chirality in Architecture"

David Avnir, a chemistry professor in Hebrew University of Jerusalem and co-head in SCAMT laboratory will give an open lecture “On Left and Right: Chirality in Architecture" at ITMO University

Why is Copenhagen the capital of natural daylight

Valery Lukinskaya and Dmitry Chukhin, CLD’s second-year master’s students, came back from the University of Aalborg and told ITMO.NEWS about main features of education in a foreign university, noted during their intership

Student speaker competition The Challenge 2018/2019

Professional Lighting Design Convention PLDC is looking for young speakers among students to become a part of professional lighting design community

Biophilia in lighting design

How to preserve the natural context in cities and make them more adaptive to people? Master’s students at the University of Aalborg, told ITMO.News how, in their opinion, cities could become more adaptive to people, and shared their design ideas for the project development in Russia.

Megapolises’ Energy Efficient, Comfortable and Safe Light Environment

On April 26, a session on "Megapolises’ Energy Efficient, Comfortable and Safe Light Environment" will be held within the framework of the Russian International Energy Forum

Belgian Fashion Capital: How Antwerp Became a Creative Centre

Are you fascinated to know how Antwerp became a Belgian fashion capital and a creative centre? Find it out in the lecture of Jasna Rokegem. It will take place on the 26th of April at Artplay Centre in Saint Petersburg

Creative meeting with Alexander von Vegesack

On the 19th of April, CLD will hold a meeting with Alexander von Vegesack, an independent curator, collector and consultant of international museums. It will take place at the ITMO University campus on Lomonosova 9

Meet the winner of the CLD’s Creative Competition

We are happy to announce a winner of the creative competition held by CLD ITMO University and Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum within a framework of the international festival "Night of Light in Gatchina"